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NC Association of Municipal Attorneys


NCAMA began in 1962, and since that time, it has grown into a robust association of more than 300 attorneys from across the state who practice in the area of municipal law. The membership of NCAMA is composed of attorneys who are employed by municipalities and attorneys in private practice who represent municipalities. NCAMA hosts two conference per year (March and August) where attorneys take CLEs and enjoy excellent networking opportunities.

OFFICERS 2023-2024

President: VaLerie Kolczynski, Concord

First Vice President: Kim Rehberg, Durham

Second Vice President: Jim Cauley, Wilson

Immediate Past President: Emanuel McGirt, Greenville

Secretary-Treasurer: Jennifer Schneier, NCLM




Brian Pridgen, Franklinton 

John Cilley, Newton 

Britt Burch, Albemarle

Lina James, Charlotte


Brad Branham, Asheville

Meredith Everhart, Wilmington

Daniel Peterson, Mathews

Chuck Watts, Greensboro